Gilles Aubry

Gilles Aubry is active at the intersection between sound and visual arts, experimental music and academic research. As an artist, he creates installations, films, performances and radio pieces exploring sonic materiality and listening processes in relation to affect, coloniality and power. His works have been presented at numerous international art exhibitions, film festivals, music venues, and radio shows, earning him two Swiss Art Awards (2012 and 2015) and a European Sound Art Prize in 2016.

As a researcher, he completed a PhD in social anthropology at Bern University on “sonic pluralism, embodiment and ecological voices in Morocco”, engaging with aural histories and sound practices through artistic collaboration. He currently teaches as a guest lecturer in the Sound Studies Master program at UDK Berlin and in the master program Visual and Media Anthropology at the Berlin Free University (FU).

Practice Statement

My practice relies on field recording, performance, video and collaborative artistic research. My work explores sonic materiality and listening processes in relation to history, affect, coloniality and power. Informed by cultural Sound Studies, decolonial theory, eco-criticism and feminist methodology, I create installations, films, performances and radio pieces.